Viewing Records

Records are the items in Insightly that contain the details of all your business' most important information.

A contact record, for example, represents one person - they might be a prospective customer, an active customer, a supplier, a colleague, etc. Each record contains fields with detailed information like addresses, phone numbers, and more.

How to view a record

  1. Click the object in the navigation menu. For this example, I'll select Contacts.
  2. Click the record name.
  3. A panel containing the record's information will appear.
  4. If you don't want to view the record in the blade view, you can access the full view by clicking the icon of the record.

Actions menu

The Actions menu is located in the upper right of a record. Here you can perform actions such as editing, merging, cloning, or deleting the record. Your options will vary for each object.

Page Layouts

If your record is filled with fields you don't need or you'd like fields to appear in a different order, you can use Page Layouts to clean things up. Admins can create these for any object and can assign different layouts to different profiles.

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