Updating a User's Email Address


Users of Insightly CRM utilize their email address as their user ID for signing in. If a user’s email address changes, a System Administrator can update the email address/user ID for the user.

In this Article 


How Does it Work?

Account Owners

Google Workspace Users

Changing a User's Email Address

Single User Account

Change an Existing User's Email Address

Reassigning a License to a New User

How Does it Work?

Based on whether the user is an account owner or a Google Workspace user, there are different process to follow to update a user’s email address. 

Account Owners

An account owner's user ID cannot be changed, although an Insightly administrator can change the account owner temporarily to another user and then proceed to update the email address. The account owner is indicated by the key/person icon next to their name in System Settings >  Users > Users List.

If the account owner the only user on a paid account and their email address needs to be changed, the process for single user accounts can be utilized. 

Google Workspace Users

For users who log in to Insightly through Google Workspace, Insightly cannot change the Gmail address as there is no separate email address for the Insightly account. Please reach out to the Google Workspace administrator and Insightly administrator for assistance.

A Google Workspace user is indicated by the square icon with four colors between their name and email address.

After registering with Insightly, users will use their Gmail address as their user ID for signing in.

  • If the email change is within the same domain (e.g. emailexample@insightly.com vs. exampleemail@insightly.com) the standard process for adding a new user can be utilized and via the Add New User popup, the Google Apps user can be selected. 
  • If the email change is for a different domain (e.g. exampledomain.com vs. domainexample.com) the instructions in the Reassigning a License to a New User section of this article will need to be utilized to add another user.

Changing a User's Email Address

When changing a user’s email address, there are multiple different processes that can be used based on the type of account.

Single User Account

When an Insightly account only has one user, that user is also the account owner/administrator. In order to change the user’s email address in this scenario, an additional temporary user will need to be added to the account. For single user accounts on paid plans, increasing and decreasing the number of users will add a charge and a credit to the account; the credit will appear on the next billing cycle, and the account won't be charged extra.

  1. To change a user's email address, a new user with the correct (new) email address will need to be added via System Settings > Users > User List (accounts will be charged for the new user)
    1. Users should be sure to assign the Administrator profile from the Select a Profile drop-down via the Add New User popup. 
    2. If the user is the account owner/administrator, the account ownership will need to be transferred to the new email/user via Billing & Account > Account Owner.
  2. Once the new user with the new email has been created and account ownership has been transferred, log out of Insightly CRM. 
  3. The newly added user will receive a notification email inviting them to login. The user will need to be logged out of Insightly CRM and then click the verify address option in the email which will direct them to log into Insightly CRM. 
    1. Once the new user is logged into Insightly CRM, the old user will need to be deleted by navigating to System Settings > Users > User List and locating the user with the old email. Once located, click the three dots menu to the far left of the user in the list view and select Delete User
      1. Prior to deletion, a prompt will display to transfer any open records to another user and the newly created user with the correct email address can be chosen. 
  4. Users can then adjust their subscription level (if applicable) to ensure that billing has been adjusted; once the number of users is adjusted, a credit will automatically be applied to the next invoice. If the subscription level cannot be adjusted, Insightly Support can be contacted for assistance. 

Change an Existing User's Email Address

For accounts with multiple users, this process should be used to update a user’s email address. In the event that a user is no longer with a company and access to the user’s login credentials are no longer available, the instructions in the Reassigning a License to a New User section of this article will need to be utilized to add another user.

  1. To change a user’s email address for a multiple user account, System Administrators can navigate to System Settings > Users > User List and locate the user that requires the edit - ensure that the user is already logged out of Insightly CRM.  
    1. Confirm that the user is not a Google Workspace user.  If the user is a Google Workspace user, the process for adding a new user detailed in the Reassigning a License to a New User section of this article will need to be utilized. 
    2. Click the three dot menu to the far right of the user’s name and from the available options, select Change User Email Address
      1. Enter the user’s new email address and click Change User Email
  2. The user will receive a notification email at the newly added email address. The user will need to click the verify address option which will direct them to log into Insightly with the old email address and password. 
  3. Once logged in with the old email address, the user will then return to the verification email and click the verify address option again. One clicked, the user will be logged in and a message within Insightly will display confirming that their email address has been changed. 

Reassigning a License to a New User

For accounts with multiple users who have reached their user limit, this process should be used to update a user’s email address. This process is particularly useful for companies who have reached their user limit and have had an employee leave the company (owing to the fact that the departed employee’s login information is no longer available). 

  1. To change a user's email address, a new user with the correct (new) email address will need to be added via System Settings > Users > User List(accounts will be charged for the new user)
    1. If administration rights are required for the user, the Administrator profile can be chosen from the Select a Profile drop-down via the Add New User popup. 
    2. If the user is the account owner/administrator, the account ownership will need to be transferred to the new email via Billing & Account > Account Owner.
  2. The new user will receive a notification email inviting them to login. The new user will need to click the verify address option in the email which will direct them to log into Insightly CRM. 
    • Users should ensure that the the computer is not currently logged into Insightly when the verification link is clicked. 
  3. Once the new user with the new email has been created and account ownership has been transferred (if applicable), log out of Insightly CRM. 
  4. A System Administrator will need to delete the old user by navigating to System Settings > Users > User List and locating the user with the old email. Once located, click the three dots menu to the far left of the user in the list view and select Delete User
    1. Prior to deletion, a prompt will display to transfer any open records to another user and the newly created user with the correct email address can be chosen. 
  5. Users can then adjust their subscription level (if applicable) to ensure that billing has been adjusted; once the number of users is adjusted, a credit will automatically be applied to the next invoice. If the subscription level cannot be adjusted, Insightly Support can be contacted for assistance.
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