How to bulk edit Reports

After running a Report, users can use bulk editing to instantly update the records the Report produced. Bulk editing will affect all records that were pulled in the Report.

To Bulk Edit a Report:

  1. Go to Reports. Select a Report.
  2. Click Run Report.  
  3. Click the Actions dropdown. Select Bulk Edit All Records.
  4. The Bulk Edit page will appear.
    The options available will vary by object type, but may include:

    1. Add Tags - Check the box and enter tag names to be added to the records.
    2. Remove Tags -Check the box and enter tag names to be removed from the records.
    3. Add Link - Adds a linked record to the records pulled in the report.
    4. Change Field Value - Allows you to select a field from a dropdown of available fields, then update the value of that field across all report records.
    5. Trigger any related workflow automation processes - Allows Insightly to trigger any workflows that would be affected by the bulk edits made on this screen. If you don't check this, any bulk edits made here will not trigger workflows, even if the criteria is being met. 
    6. Copy Phone Numbers - Copy phone numbers from linked records, if there are any, to the records from the report.
    7. Copy Addresses - Copy addresses from linked records, if there are any, to the records from the report.
  5. Click Save Bulk Edits.

Reports that can be Bulk Edited:

TaskLeadPrice Books
ContactProjectCustom Objects


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