Configuring Email Settings


Before creating emails and email templates, email settings should be configured to ensure emails sent through Insightly Marketing are successful. 

In This Article


Set a Default Email Sender for Emails

IP Addresses

Shared IP Addresses

Dedicated IP Addresses


Email Sending Domain

Add an Email Sending Domain

Set a Default Email Sender for Emails

Insightly administrators can set a default email address to automatically populate the sender field of any emails that are created. Setting a default email sender is useful if the same email address is repeatedly used when corresponding with Prospects.

  • Once a default email sender is set, the sender field can still be edited when creating an email.
  1. Within Insightly Marketing, click the user profile in the upper right corner and select System Settings. Under the Feature Settings section, select Default Email Sender.
    1. Within the default email sender settings, enter the default email sender details.



      Sender Name

      Enter the sender’s name; this is the name that will appear to Prospects.

      Sender Email Address

      Enter the sender’s email address

    2. Once the default email sender information has been entered, click Save Settings.

IP Addresses

Shared IP Addresses

Shared IP addresses are shared among a collection of users. Insightly has several pools of IP addresses for users that have not purchased their own to share with other Insightly accounts. Because these IP addresses are shared, when one is added to a deny list or a blacklist, it can directly affect all users utilizing the shared IP address. To avoid being affected by other users of a shared IP address, users can consider using a dedicated IP address instead.

To prevent customers from being impacted by shared IPs without dedicated IP purchases, we are introducing multiple IP pools. Customers will be allocated to specific pools determined by their reputation that will be computed on the backend. 

  • Suspension warning message for Marketing customers between 50% and 70% reputation. 
    When a customer's reputation is between 50% and 70%, they can continue sending emails. However, a cautionary message will appear on the home page, stating, "Your email sending reputation is low and must be improved, or email sending will be suspended." 

  • Email sending capability suspended for Marketing customers with less than 50% 

    In the event that a customer's reputation drops below 50%, their email sending privileges will be suspended, accompanied by a message on the home page indicating, "Email sending has been suspended as your email reputation score is too low."  For help, you can reach out to Customer Support. 

Dedicated IP Address

Insightly recommends a dedicated IP address for clients sending high volumes of emails or for people who want control over the quality and reputation of mail sent from their IP address. The benefit of utilizing a dedicated IP address is that other users cannot directly affect the reputation of the IP address because it is exclusive to the purchaser as opposed to a shared IP addresse which is used by multiple users as once. 

Customers can purchase one or multiple dedicated IP addresses and use a combination of them in a pool if they wish. Contact the Insightly sales team to discuss purchasing IP addresses.


IP blacklisting is used to filter out IP addresses that appear to be malicious or illegitimate. IP addresses can be blacklisted for a multitude of reasons although the most common reasons pertain to either spam or inappropriate content being distributed via emails. When an IP address is blacklisted, it directly impacts how efficiently marketing content is delivered to prospects.

If users are utilizing a shared IP Address and the IP address is placed on a blacklist by any user of the shared IP address, it will affect all users utilizing the IP address because it is shared. When a shared IP address is added to a deny list or a blacklist Insightly receives an automatic notification and handles the delisting request on behalf of the Insightly users. Removal time varies depending on the list.

Email Sending Domain 

NOTE: Insightly Administrators should have their Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) email authentication protocols ready when starting this process.

Insightly Administrators can add their email sending domains to Insightly Marketing to strengthen the authentication of outgoing emails.

An email sending domain is used to indicate who an email is from, and it determines whether an email sent from Insightly Marketing can successfully reach Prospects. When an email is registered as delivered, it means the recipient mail server has accepted the message and it will then decide what to do with the message. The recipient server will receive a request to accept the incoming Insightly Marketing email. Once confirmed, the recipient server will become responsible for delivering the email. Most often, the server will either deliver the message to the intended inbox or to send it to the recipient’s spam folder. In rare cases, a receiving server might choose to simply drop the email. In those cases, the recipient will not be able to locate the email, even if they look for it in their spam folder. 

Add an Email Sending Domain

  1. Within Insightly Marketing, click the user profile in the upper right corner and select System Settings. Under the Feature Settings section, select Domain Management.
    1. Click Add Domain in the upper right and select Add Email Sending Domain.
      1. Enter the email domain and click Generate Keys.
      2. Once the keys have been generated, add a CNAME record to the Domain Name System (DNS) which can be located via the web hosting provider portal.
      3. Once the new CNAME records have been added to the DNS, return to Insightly Marketing and click Validate; validation can take up to 48 hours.
        • If the records are invalid, the sending domain will not be included in outgoing emails until they are validated. 
      4. Once validated, click Close.

NOTE: If difficulties are being encountered with setup, Insightly recommends contacting your domain provider for assistance.

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