What's New at Insightly February 2023

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
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Enhancement List

Use these links to navigate to specific enhancements.

Insightly Platform 

Field-to-Field Filters in Reports

WhereReports > Report Record

Field-to-field filters can be added to a report to compare the values of two different fields of the same field type. For example, a task report can filter all tasks with a Date Completed field value greater than the Date Due field value, which will show all tasks that were completed after their due date. Users can select standard and custom fields of the following field types: 

  • Date Fields 
  • Date Time Fields 
  • Number Fields 
  • Percent Fields

Here is a link to our help documentation for working with report filters.

Build Calculated Fields with Differing Field Types

WhatCalculated Fields 
WhereSystem Settings > Objects and Fields > Object > Object Fields

Administrators can now build calculated fields using differing field types. For example, (Record_Id + Description) or (Bid_Amount + Created_Date). Calculated fields built using mixed field types will return text strings when saved.

Here is a link to our help documentation for calculated fields.

Insightly CRM

Added ‘State Reason’ field to Opportunity Linked Items Report as a Filter

WhatOpportunity Linked Items Report
WhereReports > Opportunity Linked Items Report

When building an Opportunity Linked Items Report, users can now add the State Reason field as a filter, which displays the reason an opportunity was won or lost.

Here is a link to our help documentation for Linked Items Reports.

Insightly Marketing

Scheduled Emails Must Be Scheduled for a Future Date

WhatEmail Scheduling
WhereEmails > New Email

Users will no longer be able to schedule an email if the schedule date is in the past. The user must enter a future date or an error will appear.

Here is a link to our help documentation for email scheduling.

Additional Resources

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