How to delete Insightly's sample data

In addition to Get Started tasks that help you get things set up, Insightly also includes sample records and settings on every new account. These are provided to help you to explore Insightly's records and features.

Sample records can be identified by their "sample_data" tags.

Once you start adding your own records, you will want to remove this data. Any user can delete the sample records. Insightly administrators can remove the sample Pipelines, activity sets, and opportunity state reasons.

To delete all the sample records and settings, perform the follow steps in this order:

  1. Delete sample records
  2. Delete Pipelines and activity sets

Deleting sample records

Sample records can be identified by the tag "sample_data."

To delete the sample records, we'll start with contacts:

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. Click "sample_data" in the tags index on the right sidebar. (You may have to click the Show Sidebar button above your list.)
  3. Tick the top checkbox above the list. This will select all the records.
  4. Click the Delete button and confirm that you'd like to delete the records. 
  5. Permanently delete the records by emptying the Recycle Bin or deleting these items from it. This will allow you to remove the sample Pipelines from settings.
  6. Repeat the steps above for organizations, leads, opportunities, and projects. (Leads will appear on 14-day trial accounts)

Removing sample Pipelines

There are two sample Pipelines included, one for opportunities and one for projects. There are no account limits to these features, so you can keep them or modify them, if you'd like. You may also delete them.

To remove a sample Pipeline:

  1. Go to System Settings > Pipelines.
  2. Click Edit Stages.
  3. Click the edit button next to the stage that contains an activity set.
  4. Remove the activity set from the stage by selecting the blank selection, then click Save.
  5. Click the Delete button to remove the Pipeline.
  6. Repeat the steps above for the other sample Pipeline.
  7. Click the Activity Sets tab.
  8. Click the Delete button next to each activity set.
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