Changing your subscription to an "Ineligible" plan

When you try to change your Insightly subscription plan, some plan options may display a gray "Ineligible" label instead of a green Select Plan or Upgrade button.

Your account is ineligible for a plan when your account is over the plan's limit for any of the following: 

  • the total number of records (contacts, leads, emails, notes, etc.)
  • the number of custom fields
  • the number of email templates
  • the space used by files you've uploaded or saved from email attachments

By checking your Billing & Account page, you can determine which items you need to remove to select an ineligible plan:

Check your plan levels and eligibility.

  1. Click your profile icon and select Billing & Account. Note down the statistics listed on the page. This will help you understand your plan eligibility.
    From the menu on the left, select Billing Details.
  2. If you're taken to the Subscription Plans page, skip to step 5. Otherwise, click the Adjust Plan button.
  3. To view the plan listings, click the link at the top of the page.

  4. When you move your mouse cursor over the Ineligible label, you will see a pop-up message telling you why you're unable to select a plan. Note the stated reasons, such as number of records, email templates, custom fields, or file storage.

  5. Click the See more details link for the limits on each plan.

  6. By comparing the statistics you captured on Billing & Account statistics and the plan limits on the ineligible plan, you can determine how many records, email templates, files, and/or custom fields you need to remove from your account to be eligible for that plan.

If you need to remove items to meet the limits for another plan, please see one of the following articles for information on removing items from Insightly:

Deleting emails and email templates
Deleting custom fields
Deleting files and other records

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