[Insightly Classic] Insightly's custom fields list

Insightly Classic is the old version of Insightly. It's not available to new accounts. Users on Insightly Classic can switch over to the latest version.

Custom fields help you create personalized records for a more productive Insightly experience. Each custom field will have unique field details, but they aren't vastly different from one another.

Common elements include:

  • Field Label - The name that will appear next to the field.
  • Field Name - The database name used in the API and other functions. It cannot contain spaces.
  • Default Value - The value that you would like to appear automatically.
  • Description - Appears on the settings page. Used to clarify the purpose of the field.
  • Help Text - A short tip that will help users understand the purpose of the field. It appears when users hover over the help icon next to the field.
  • Hidden - Checkbox to hide the field. When removing a field, you may want to hide it instead of deleting it and wiping out all its existing values.
  • Read-only - Makes the field read-only to users. They will be unable to edit it.


Most options for custom fields will be self-explanatory, but there are some fields you might not be familiar with:


Allows users to enter any number. Leading zeros are removed.

  • Length - The maximum number of digits a number can have. Insightly allows up to 12.
  • Decimal Places - The number of digits to the right of the decimal place.


Displays a list values. Users may select one.

  • Values - The items that will populate your dropdown. Separate the items by using the Enter or Return key.


Allows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers up to 255 characters. 

Multi-Line Text

Allows users to enter multiple lines of text up to 4,000 characters.

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