Journeys FAQ

  1. What is a Marketing Journey?

    • It is a set of sequential steps that a Prospect can pass through. 

  2. What are the components that make a Journey?

    • Journey uses Marketing Lists to determine which Prospects need to go through or be excluded from the Journey steps.

    • Journey is constructed using three types of steps - Action, Trigger and Check.

      • Action Step: As the name suggests it performs an action on the Prospect. For example, it may add a tag, update a field or send an email to that Prospect.

      • Trigger Step: This step is executed when a certain event occurs “triggering” the Prospect to follow the Yes/No path. This event could be either related to Prospect clicked on a link in an email or opened an email.

      • Check Step: This step evaluates a criteria against the Prospect depending on the result of the evaluation if the Prospect is passed down the Yes/No path.

    • Journey steps can be scheduled to either run immediately or in the future.

  3. What are the different Actions, Triggers and Checks available for Journey Step?

Journey Step Type

Step Name


Send Email, Add Tags, Remove Tags, Adjust Score, Assign Owner, Add to List, Remove from List, Notify User, Change Prospect Field, Convert To Lead, Convert To Contact, Create CRM Task, Execute Lambda Function, Fire Webhook, Add to Zoom Webinar, Add to Campaign, Add to File, Change Score Model score, Trigger AppConnect Recipe


Email Open, Email Link Click


Check Prospect Field, Check Prospect Grade, Check Prospect Score, Check Prospect Tag, Check Prospect List Membership, Check Date & Time, Check Redirect Link Click, Check Zoom Webinar Attendance, Check Zoom Webinar Registration, Check Form Submission, Check File Downloaded, Check Prospect Viewed Page, Check Prospect Visited  Website, Check Corporate Email, Check Prospect Custom Event

  1. What are the different states a Journey can be in?

Journey Status

Function of the Status


This is the default state when Journey is just created. Users can make updates to it. 


Journey is set in Running status when user starts it. At this point Journey gathers are the prospects that need to be part of it and create logs for the steps one by one as they are processed. Journey cannot be edited when in Running state.


Users can Pause the Journey if they want to make edits. Edits are only allowed if there are no pending step logs for any of the Prospects. Once the user is done with new edits they can resume the Journey and it will start executing steps from the last step it was paused at.


When uses stops the Journey, the status changes to Completed. At this point Journey cannot be edited or started again. Users will have to clone the Journey to make edits.

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