Email Summary

The Email Summary feature allows users in Insightly CRM to request and receive a summary of past emails, making it easier to quickly capture key points from previous communications with a Contact, Lead, Organization, or other CRM-related entities. It is designed to streamline building context around past client interactions, saving users time and energy. You can click here to help you save an email directly to a Contact, Lead, Project or Opportunity on Insightly CRM. 

This feature can be managed through System Settings by both administrators and users with specific permissions. It is designed to streamline building context around past client interactions, saving users time and energy. By offering an efficient way to understand prior email exchanges, CRM users can focus on more meaningful engagement and high-value activities. 

This feature is available in English only and is included in all pricing plans.

How to generate Email Summary:

  1. To use this feature, navigate to System Settings > Product Settings > Email Summary.

  2.  Ensure that “Email Summary" is enabled in System Settings.

  3. To access email summaries, navigate to Emails in the left-side menu of the CRM app. Then, select the email from the list view (standard or custom) that you’d like to summarize.

  4. You can also go to an email related to a particular object eg- Contact or Lead (or other CRM entity with related emails) directly from the Activity tab related to that particular record.

  5. Select Summarize from collapsed or expanded email bar. 

  6. While the data summarization is in progress, a loading spinner will display the message "Summarizing data…". To cancel the process, simply select Cancel next to the loading message.  

  7. Once the email summary is successfully generated, the summarized content will be displayed in the expandable view beneath the Email Summary Bar (accessible by clicking the caret symbol). You will also notice thumbs up and thumbs down icons for providing feedback on the usefulness and value of the summary results (located at the bottom). 

Note: If the email summarization fails to process successfully, it could be due to one of the following issues:

  • If a timeout occurs during the summarization process, the following message will be displayed: 
    “An error has occurred. Please Retry. If error persists please contact support.”  
    Selecting Retry would re-initiate the email summarization process. 

  • If the email content requested for summarization exceeds 100,000 characters, the following message will appear since the content may be truncated:
    “This email is too long to be fully summarized thus important information may be missing. Our AI is smart, but isn't perfect. Double check important information.”

  • If an email contains potentially harmful content that prevents it from being summarized, the system will display this message: 
    “An error has occurred. The contents of the data being summarized may contain harmful content that prevent it from being summarized using this feature.”

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