What's New at Insightly January 2025

Learn what's new with Insightly by reviewing enhancements that are now available! For questions, the Additional Resources section can be utilized to learn more about getting support from Insightly. Use the links below to navigate to a specific product.

Insightly Platform 
Insightly CRMInsightly Marketing
Insightly ServiceInsightly AppConnect

Insightly CRM 

Email Summary Feedback

We have implemented a mechanism to collect feedback on the usefulness and value of the summary results provided when an Insightly CRM user utilizes the email summarization feature. This data will help us determine when and whether additional investments are needed to enhance its value for end users. 

Here is a link to our help documentation Email Summary.

Insightly Marketing

Enhanced Bot Click Detection for Marketing Emails

Insightly Marketing already automatically identifies and excludes email bot click events from email activity, statistics, prospect scoring, journeys, and finish actions without any user intervention.

We’ve now made enhancements to how the Insightly Marketing application identifies and filters out email click events that are suspected to be performed by non-humans (bots) in order to more accurately reflect user engagement with marketing emails. As a consequence of this improvement, it is expected that Marketing application users may see lower email click rates than historically observed as a larger volume of bot click events will now be excluded.  

Here is a link to our help documentation Emails Overview.

Additional Resources

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